
Quorum - Electronic Proxy Forms For Condominium Shareholder Meetings
today December 2, 2015 label Case Study, Real Estate, Condominiums

I'm a director at my condo corporation. And like many other condos, we've struggled to reach quorum at our owner meetings. That was until this year when we decided to experiment with basic email marketing and electronic proxy forms. Now our condo never has to worry about missing quorum again.

A better way to deploy HarpJS compiled sites to Github Pages
today October 21, 2015 label Code, Tutorial

If you're publishing HarpJS sites to Github pages, then you've probably had to deal with a mess with the offical documented Github Deployment instructions. Here's a better way to handle it using Git Submodules.

Clover Awards -- A case study on awesomeness.
today July 05, 2015 label Case Study

Clover Awards is a crowd-powered social enterprise platform that rewards the commitment, effort and talent of everyday heroes through recognition and financial support for their individual causes. It is a responsive web app built using NodeJS and AngularJS with PayPal and Stripe payment processor integration.